Solar Opportunities: Do Your Research

Do Your Research

Get a ballpark number
Interested in a quick and dirty estimate of what solar might mean to your utility bills? Enter your basic information at this site and get a rough estimate. 

Look into incentives you can use
There are a number of incentives available to those who want to install solar equipment. Through the end of 2016, a federal Investment Tax Credit of 30 percent is available to homeowners and businesses who install solar. Most states also have one or more state incentives available in the form of additional tax incentives, loans or grants.

Investigate if local solar initiatives are available
Solarize programs are temporary (usually one calendar year or less), locally initiated efforts to reduce homeowner costs and hassles when installing solar systems. A group of homeowners enroll in the program to take advantage of bulk purchase pricing. Check in late winter or early spring for information on Solarize programs in your area.